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Principles of Botox and its use in the Treatment of TMD, Esthetic Applications, and use of Dermal Fillers—An Educational Program for Oklahoma Dental Professionals by Oklahoma Dental Professionals
Hands-on Session
February 21-22, 2025
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Course Description
This unique program has been designed from the ground up to provide the Oklahoma dental professional with clinical confidence. This will come through the synthesis of exceptional online learning modules and practical in person hands-on training (not “hands in pockets” as you just watch an instructor).
The course will consist of 12 hours didactic content online, followed by 12 hours of hands-on application. This model allows for the student to take their time with the foundational material, reviewing sections as often as desired, and come to the hands-on portion with confidence. With all students adequately prepared in advance, our instructors are able to provide the best hands-on experience, rather than focusing on people in the program who are struggling to understand the fundamentals.
Learning Objectives
After completing the online and hands-on portions of this course students will be able to:
- Understand the indications and contraindications of the use of Botox for temporomandibular disorders and facial esthetics
- Understand the indications and contraindications for the use of dermal fillers
- Learn the clinical techniques for predictable application of botulinum toxin
- Learn the clinical techniques for predictable application of dermal fillers
Hands-on Course Agenda
Day 1: 4 hours hands-on Botox for Facial Esthetics & 4 hours hands-on Botox for TMJ Disorders 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Day 2: 4 hours hands-on Dermal Fillers for Facial Esthetics and time for follow up questions 8:00 - 5:00PM
Botox for Facial Esthetics: The use of neuromodulators that are derived from Clostridium botulinum or that are biosimilar to or the bioequivalent of such a neuromodulator in the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorder and myofascial pain syndrome: 4 hours didactic (online) with 4 hours hands on
Botox for TMJ Disorders: The use of neuromodulators that are derived from Clostridium botulinum that are biosimilar to or the bioequivalent of such a neuromodulator for dental and facial esthetics; 4 hours didactic (online) with 4 hours hands on
Dermal Filler for Facial Esthetics: The use of dermal and soft tissue fillers for dental and facial esthetics 4 hours didactic (online) with 4 hours hands on
Hands-on Course Content Overview
- Injection locations for dermal fillers and botulinum toxin for esthetics
- Injection locations for temporomandibular disorders and pain
- Oklahoma Board of Dentistry Rules
- Pre-treatment Instructions for botulinum toxin and fillers
- Review of video content for specific injection areas
- Review of anatomy
- Review of indications and contraindications
- Preparation of botulinum toxin
- Injection techniques for esthetics, dilution, injections on live models with Botox and fillers
- Injection techniques for pain, dilution, on injections on live models
- Post treatment instructions
- Practice management guidelines (informed consent, documentation, billing)
Didactic Online Course Content
Participants will have access to the online content at least 4 weeks prior to the program, and will retain access for 6 months after the hands-on course. Online didactic material must be completed prior to the hands-on portion of the course.
Anatomy Review:
- Embryology specific to head and neck anatomy
- Skeletal anatomy of the bones of the skull and mandible
- Muscles of mastication
- Muscles of facial expression
- Trapezius and occipital muscles (often associated with trigger points and referred pain into the head and neck)
- Innervation of the muscles of mastication
- Innervation of the muscles of facial expression
- The temporomandibular joint
Basics of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMJ) Disorders:
- Taking a focused history
- Examination
- Internal derangements of the TMJ
- Myalgia
- Myofasical trigger points and referred pain
- Retrodiscitis
- Understanding the difference between myalgia and myofascial pain
- Referral areas from trigger points
Possible/Probable Connections between Bruxism and Sleep Related Breathing Disorders
- Basics of normal sleep
- Basics of sleep related breathing disorders in adults and children
- Bruxism pathophysiology and possible relationship to sleep apnea in some patients
- Evaluation to rule in or out obstructive sleep apnea
- Use of orthotics/night guards and oral appliance therapy in the treatment of bruxism
Botulinum Toxin
- History of botulinum toxin
- Science of botulinum toxin
- Comparison of different botulinum toxins and the science of each
- Why is Botox used
- When is Botox indicated
- Reconstitution and dilution
- Injection techniques
- Patient consultation and selection
- Post treatment
- Contraindications of botulinum toxin
- Complications and their management
- Practice management
- Supplies
Dermal Fillers
- Dermal Fillers and their history
- What are dermal fillers?
- Signs of aging
- What makes an attractive face
- 3 dimensional treatment concept
- Patient consultation and selection
- Anesthesia for dermal fillers
- Areas of injection for Dermal Fillers
- Differences between the different types of dermal fillers and their area of use
- Injection techniques
- Different techniques for injecting the same area
- Combination treatment of dermal fillers and botox
- Post treatment
- Contraindications of dermal fillers
- Complications of dermal fillers
- Danger zones
- Vascular compression and how to treat it
- Avoiding risk
- Pretreatment and post treatment photography
- Reversing treatment
- Legal aspects of fillers
- Practice Management
- Supplies
$3257 for Hygienists, $3964 for Dentists
In-person Location
7905 East 106th Street
Tulsa, OK 74133
24 Hours of Total CE Credit
Course Content approved by the Oklahoma Board of Dentistry for the educational requirements of hygienists to perform botox injections and provide dermal fillers in the state of Oklahoma.
For information not contained here please reach out to Dr. Frank Henrich 804-517-7365 cell or 918-528-6555 office, Dr. Coty Shores 580-220-7731 or Dr. Jamison Spencer 208-861-5687

About Your Instructors
Dr. Coty Shores
Shores Dental Company
Dr. Coty Shores is a 2012 graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry. As a dental student he served as a Student Senator for two years; Legislative Liaison (first Legislative Liaison for the OUHSC) for one year; and President of the College of Dentistry for one year. Upon graduating dental school Coty served as an associate for two years for Dr. William Beeson in Duncan, Oklahoma. In 2014 Coty opened up his own practice, Shores Dental Company in Duncan, OK where he practices to this day.
Currently, Coty is a board member and Past President for the Oklahoma Academy of General Dentistry, and a Board Member for the American Orthodontic Society (AOS). During his career he has served numerous organizations through his leadership and knowledge of the dental field. Some of these leadership roles and organizations include: Education Chair for the OKAGD, Education Committee for the American Orthodontic Society, Education Director for Dental Success Network, and a lecturer for the Facial Esthetics wing of the Academy of Dental and Medical Anesthesia. In the past he was President of the Stephens County Dental Society from 2013-2015 and Chairman of the Shores Spear Study Club from 2014-2017. Coty is currently a member of the AOS, AGD, IAO, ADIA, and the ICOI and has his Achievement Credential with the AOS, Fellowship with the ADIA and Fellowship with the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He will be inducted as a Fellow with the ICD in 2024.

Coty has a love for learning and expanding his knowledge. He excels in exploring new techniques to bring to his practice and share with the dental community. This has also led to a love for lecturing, specifically in the areas of facial esthetics, TMD and orthodontics. In the past he has lectured on TMD to Orthodontics at the 2016 AOS Annual Meeting, and for Dr. Brad Williams with the AOS. The ADMA featured Coty’s lecture series on Facial Esthetics in their 2018-2019 continuing education program. Coty's current lecture series will be on the topics of Botox, Filler and PRP, and will be used for certifying dental hygienists in the state of Oklahoma.
Coty Shores has been married to his amazing wife Chelsea Shores since 2009 and they have 2 children, Cason (11,) and Cambry (8). They reside in Duncan, Oklahoma.

Dr. Frank Henrich
Henrich Dental
Dr. Frank Henrich graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2009. He has practiced dentistry in Tulsa since 2009.
In 2013 Dr. Henrich opened his own general practice in south Tulsa. Dr. Henrich completed a residency in Sleep Apnea and TMD from the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, and is Board Eligible with the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM). Frank currently lectures for the Spencer Study Club, the leading private study group in the U.S. for Sleep Apnea and TMD.
Dr. Henrich has completed extensive hours in cosmetic dentistry from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and has treated hundreds of patients. He is married with 3 boys and a Labradoodle. While not involved in dentistry you may catch Dr. Henrich riding his mountain bike between Tulsa and Northwest Arkansas.
Dr. Jamison Spencer
Centers for Sleep Apnea & TMJ
Dr. Jamison Spencer is the director of the Centers for Sleep Apnea and TMJ, in Boise, Idaho and Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. Spencer has personally treated thousands of patients with sleep apnea and TMJ problems, and now focuses on helping dentists help their patients with such problems.
Dr. Spencer is the Past-President of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain (AACP), a Diplomate of the American Board of Craniofacial Pain, a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, a Diplomate of the American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine and has a Masters in Craniofacial Pain from Tufts University. He taught head and neck anatomy at Boise State University, and is adjunct faculty at the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry. Dr. Spencer has been invited to give lectures on TMD, Dental Sleep Medicine and head and neck anatomy throughout the United States at every major dental meeting, Canada, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Australia, Europe and India. Dr. Spencer created Spencer Study Club, an online education, mentoring and implementation program to help dentists and their teams help more of their patients with sleep apnea and TMJ disorders.

Dr. Spencer now lives in Pleasant View, Utah with his wife of 30 years, Jennifer, and their 2 children of 6 who are still at home. Dr. Spencer enjoys outdoor activities including running, skiing, waterskiing and mountain biking, can still out ski all of his children and would have been at the Boston marathon in 2020 had it not been cancelled.